Is Your Heart at Risk? Discover the Life-Saving Power of an Angiogram

An angiogram is a vital diagnostic tool to assess blood vessels for blockages and abnormalities, ensuring timely treatment. By Mr. Ashutosh Pandey, Editor-in-Chief of "The Inside Khabar." What is an Angiogram? An angiogram, also called angiography, is a medical imaging technique used to visualize the blood vessels. It helps doctors diagnose blockages, narrowing, or abnormalities in arteries and veins throughout the body, including the heart (coronary angiogram), brain, kidneys, or legs. Angiograms are performed using a specialized X-ray called fluoroscopy, which captures real-time images. AI GENERATED IMAGE How Does Angiography Work? In an angiogram, a contrast dye (usually iodine-based) is injected into the blood vessels to make them visible on X-ray images. The contrast dye highlights the flow of blood through the arteries and veins, allowing the radiologist or doctor to assess the condition of the vessels. Why is an Angiogram Performed? Angiography is used for vario...